The Annual
The 2024 Annual
» The 2004 Annual
The Second Architecture Annual of Bucharest, 2004
all the projects from the 2004 edition
Architecture section
Great Prize of the Annual
Porche Romania, administrative headquarters
arch. Constantin Ciurea
Prize of the “Architecture” section
Single-family house
arch. Răzvan Luscov, arch. Ioana Luscov
Nomination for the “Architecture” section
Building in Calea Floreasca 208
arch. Viorel Hurduc, arch. Diana Hurduc, arch. Dana Chețea, arch. Cristina Comenentu
Nomination for the “Architecture” section
Single family house with office
arch. Georgică Mitrache, arch. Anca Mitrache, arch. Vasilica Bondor Negraru, arch. Liviu Brad
Nomination for the “Architecture” section
Motel, fast-food and restaurant at Km.36
arch. Bogdan Babici, arch. Lucian Simion, arch. Eliodor Streza, arch. Mona Hagiu
Interior design section
Prize of the “Interior Design” section
Interior design for an attic
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Arthur Țințu
Nomination for the “Interior Design” section
Headquarters Oracle-România, Europe House
arch. Anda Manu, arch. Ștefan Alberto Bianco
Nomination for the “Interior Design” section
ASAMI Restaurant
arch. Adrian Cristescu, arch. Roxana Șchiopu, arch. Răzvan Lepădatu
Nomination for the “Interior Design” section
Interior design for TotalSoft offices
arch. Constantin Goagea, arch. Ștefan Ghenciulescu, arch. Cosmina Goagea, arch. Bogdan Mureșan
Restorations section
Prize of the “Restorations” section
Attic - headquarters of TABU magazine
arch. Raluca Popp, arch. Florin Lazăr
Publications section
Prize of the “Publications” section
Architecture - periodical of the UAR
arch. Constantin Goagea, arch. Cosmina Goagea, arch. Ștefan Ghenciulescu