The Annual
The Bucharest Architecture Annual
Edition 2011
Studies and Projects
One-family house in Curtea de Argeș
Author: arch.
Radu - Costin Negoiță
Related projects:
Edition 2011, Interior Design Section
Interior design for an accessory designer
arch. Radu - Costin Negoiță
Edition 2009, Studies and Projects Section
Single-family dwelling
arch. Radu - Costin Negoiță
Studies and Projects
Magic Blocks
German Square, Șelari Street, Smârdan Street, Bucharest
Consolidation, extension and rehabilitation of a house B+G+2F, 77-79, Vultureni Street, Bucharest
International Architecture Competition “A House in Luanda: Patio and Pavilion”
Concurs Rues des Grottes, Geneva
Ideas Competition: border crossing point Hong Kong, Heung Zuen Wai – Shenzhen, Liantang
Interior design of Livada Poștei Park in Brasov (phase I)
Holocaust Memorial Competition - Atlantic City
Apartment Building, 38, Romulus Street
Transylvania Cultural Center, Cluj-Napoca
Living City design competition
Renaissance de la fluidité des espaces
House extension, superposing and remodeling
Central University Library of Cluj - 2010 competition
Extension of Gosta Serlahius Museum, Manta, Finland
Remodeling of Varna Fort and construction of a new cultural and administrative center
“Shelf House”
Tourist Center in Călărași
Individual dwelling
Extension of Serlachius Museum, Finland
Educational center R2
Peace Memorial Competition - Bering Strait
Competition for the extension of Cluj National Library
Concert Room and headquarters of Transylvania Philharmonic Hall, Cluj – Napoca
Façade remodeling of a building under construction for Olari Parish
Sports Hall in Roșiorii de Vede, architecture solution proposal
Fortune Park Residential Compound, city of Budești, county of Călărași
Methodology - Substantiation study of the natural anthropic landscape as macro and mezzo - territorial level - case study: landscaping of Braila county
Serachius Museum Gosta Extension, international competition, Finland
One-family house „Marius Moga”
Central University Library of Cluj - Napoca
A Failed Competition - Patriarchal Cathedral
Holiday House (1)
Holiday House (2)
Holiday House (3)
One-family house in Curtea de Argeș
“16 mm” Coffee shop
Restoration, rehabilitation of Oteteleșanu Castle, Măgurele
The People’s Salvation Cathedral
Architecture Lesson 1
Glass house
Wood house
Building B+G+5F - Budo Best Offices/ gym / restaurant / production showroom / storage
Circle House
Contemporary Urban House