The Annual
The Bucharest Architecture Annual
Edition 2015
Unbuilt aRchitecture / Diploma Projects
Panopticon Revisited - Creative Industries center in Breda, the Netherlands
Author: Alexandra Gabriela EPURE
Tutor: prof.dr.univ. Ștefan SCAFA-UDRIȘTE
Unbuilt aRchitecture
Diploma Projects
Traditional crafts workshops - Neamțu Mansion, village of Olari, county of Olt
Alternative School - a learning landscape
Assan’s Mill: Architecture of Memory
Applied Arts Center “Sf. Vineri”, Bucharest
Cultural Center for the Knowledge and Perpetuation of the Aromanian Identity
Snow and Ice Studies Institute Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse
Opera House - Belgrade
Para-urban Acupuncture
Complex Studies Center
Collective dwellings, Mântuleasa Street
Panopticon Revisited - Creative Industries center in Breda, the Netherlands
Modern “Fondaco”: housing for students, artists and youngsters on Sacca San Biagio, Venice
Mars Continuum
Sports Center for Social Inclusion
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences
Conversion of Gigurtu Mansion
Experimental cereal farm, township of Rătești
Tevere Forum: museum and archeological research center, Rome
Escocesa Arts Center
Multifunctional Sports Center, Baia Mare
Food Market, Baia Mare
„Lia Manoliu” Aquatic Center
RE-TURN (Culture-related Communitarian Center)
Nautic Youth Center Fishery area, Constanța
Pitești Experiment Memorial
re_MOVE – Biomimetic Habitat for Research and Production
Rehabilitation of Gloria Cinema