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Private pool and home cinema

Campulung, jud. Argeș, România
Authors: arch. Cosmin-Nicolae Tolbeș, int.arch. Mihaela Tolbes / Modulor Architects and Designers
Collaborators: Fotografie: Sebastian Enache

Authors’ Comment

Câmpulung is a mountain city charged with history, with a powerfull memory and significance for Romania's past.Considering this regarding the space main function and the geographical positioning, we chose the conceptual aproach of a contrast . The creative concept orbits the marine environment, where it draws inspiration. We tried to avoid a direct interpretation on the subject and preferred a more subtle aproach, using elements that suggest the marine environment, such as: sand, water, corals, fish, shells, jellyfish, difuse light, filtered light etc. All this elements are valued by a playfull disposition of light and shadows. The noutral tones, earth-like gradients, the furniture and custom lighting fixtures send a certain vibration to the space. All the user has to do is to animate it.

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