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The 2024 Annual » 2020 » Adaptive Workplace 22

Adaptive Workplace 22

A project and workshop by Design Studio 22, UAUIM, Faculty of Architecture

Coordinated by:

Andra Panait Florin Pîndici

The COVID-19 pandemy changed the way we can interact with the uninversity workspaces. Social distancing measures have a real impact on how we can conduct safely our practical activities. So we set out to adapt both to the current situation and to prepare for the future through a pilot project of redesigning the Architectural Design Studio 22 workplace.

This approach represents the volunteering of architecture students who restore their own workspace within the university, bringing it to contemporary standards, conductive to study, but also resistant to unpredictable factors such as the recent situation.

The space is used daily, by rotation, by 32 students in guided activities, design, seminars, courses, internal and public exhibitions. During the exhibitions and presentations the capacity of the hall used to reach 100 people - students, teachers and guests.

The 1965 project of the Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture building proposed heavy, solid wood furniture, specific to the needs of drawing on the drafting table.

Today the way of working has changed considerably and the current situation does not allow reconfiguring the space for the wide variety of successive activities (design, practical activities, seminars, courses, internal and public exhibitions, projections) and does not meet the requirements of the current digital design practice. At the same time, the space needs larger storage areas, utilities and display systems.

The aim of this workshop is to find solutions for reconfiguring the workspace of the architectural design studio, with the ultimate goal of finding business partners to help redesign the space and replace solid wood furniture with an easy to handle one, for greater space flexibility.

Registrations until July 5th, 2020

Follow us on: atelier andra panait

Coordinated by:
Andra Panait / andra panait
Florin Pîndici / paf arhitectura



Between July 15 and 31, 2020, there were intensive Zoom sessions of the Adaptive Workplace workshop, in which we discussed, we identified the needs, problems, we studied references, we learned new things about our brain and how we can stimulate learning, we thought about reconfigurations of the space and adaptable furniture elements, budgets and, last but not least, we felt good together.

There were 8 teams of 7-8 students each who proposed solutions for creating an adaptable space, which solved problems of ergonomics, modularity, flexibility and lighting.

Here are the proposed solutions:

Team 1: Adrian Andrei, Larisa Daniela Gabor, Andreea Alexandra Nicolae, Iulia Maria Popa, Andreea Diana Roman, Cristina Străianu, Dragoș Tănasie

Team 2: Mădălina Avram, Iulia Ciungan, Mădălina Codreanu, Daniela Manole, Elena Tănase, Iulia Ciungan, Andrei-Sorin Staicu, Daria Vîlsan

Team 3: Ioana Acatrinei, Teona Ioanidi, Tudor Lulciuc, Ana Neacșu, Ștefania Schilizzi, Laura Tiron

Team 4: Bogdan Stoicescu, Maria Dumitriu, Monica Voineagu, Georgiana Condurachi, Katerina Dhrami, Laura-Adina Stupariu, Alexandru Ambrosă

Team 5: Andreea Diana Onu, Adina Elena Șolcă, Antonia Mihăiță, Adelina Jinga, Cristina Maria Alecsandrescu, Teodora Rotea, George Ioan Naum

Team 6: Mădălina-Adriana Stănășel, Bianca Elena Nicu, Coza Daria, Alexandru Dragnea, Corina Staicu, Ana-Maria Lazăr, Anca-Teodora Răgălie

Team 7: Ana Cătălina Mihale, Oana Maria Radu, Mădălina Oana Veronica Bratu, Imari Rahimi, Monica Iliescu, Lucia Nicoleta Abdulea, Ananda-Cristiana Nedelcu

Team 8: Bogdan Rădulescu, Vlad Sbîrcea, Maria-Luiza Nițu, Andreea Ștefan, Carina Stefania Zdrob, Silvia-Edith Vasiliu, Mara Paizan, Monica Mureșeanu