The Annual
The Bucharest Architecture Annual
Edition 2013
Interior Design
Bio A(rh)(gr)i(tec)(cul)ture
Author: arch.
Bruno Andreșoiu
Coauthors: arh. Cristina NICOLAESCU, arh. Andrei CREANGĂ
Related projects:
Edition 2016, Architecture Books Section
Village Churches from Sălaj
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, Cristian Brăcăcescu, Serban Bonciocat
Edition 2013, Studies and Projects Section
Maria Tănase’s Fountain
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture Books Section
Mosques, Minarets on the Sky of Dobrogea
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture Books Section
Clay Tiles, Traditional Dobrogea Houses
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture Books Section
Câmpulung Muscel, Sketches for an Architectural Monography
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture - social and cultural Section
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture - social and cultural Section
Traditional Means Modern! 10 room Guesthouse, Sf. Gheorghe
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2013, Architecture - housing Section
Logs, Brushwood, Leaves
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2011, Interior Design Section
Epoque Hotel
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2011, Interior Design Section
Kulturhaus Club
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2011, Architecture Books Section
The Hidden Bucharest
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2011, Architecture - housing Section
House NT
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2010, Architecture Section
HQ Victoriei
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Ana - Maria Diaconu
Edition 2010, Interior Design Section
LG Academy
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Dana Țigan
Edition 2010, Architecture Books Section
Reed / Traditional Means Modern - 15 Modern-Traditional Architecture Projects for Danube Delta
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2009, Studies and Projects Section
Nomination for the “Studies and Projects” section
Stuf. Traditional means modern
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Ana - Maria Diaconu
Edition 2009, Architecture Books Section
Nomination for the “Architecture Books” section
REED Traditional Houses in Danube Delta
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2008, Architecture Section
Chindea House
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2008, Interior Design Section
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2008, Studies and Projects Section
Office building
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2008, Architecture Books Section
Kombinat. Ruins of the Golden Era
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2008, Architecture Books Section
Hațeg. The land of stone churches
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu
Edition 2006, Architecture Section
Prize of the “Architecture” section
Gherbea House – single family home
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Arthur Țințu, arch. Ivona Enache
Edition 2006, Interior Design Section
Nomination for the “Interior Design” section
Interior design for an apartment in Nordului Street
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu, arch. Dana Țigan
Edition 2006, Publications Section
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Edition 2005, Interior Design Section
Interior design of a four-room apartment
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Ovidiu Marcu, arch. Marina Gingirof
Edition 2005, Publications Section
Prize of the “Publications” section
igloo periodical
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Edition 2004, Interior Design Section
Prize of the “Interior Design” section
Interior design for an attic
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Arthur Țințu
Edition 2004, Interior Design Section
Concept and interior design Connex, Global Business Center
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Ruxandra Hârțescu, arch. Arthur Țințu, arch. Dana Țigan
Edition 2004, Publications Section
IGLOO - Habitat&Arhitectură periodical
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Edition 2003, Interior Design Section
First Place
Attic design
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Edition 2003, Interior Design Section
Interior design for LOWE LINTAS GGK
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Edition 2003, Publications Section
Prize of the “Publications” section
IGLOO Habitat și Arhitectură periodical
arch. Bruno Andreșoiu, arch. Adrian Ciocăzanu
Interior Design
Old Houses, design and something more
Testimonies: Frescos of Argeșului Monastery. Exhibition art design
Pif in Romania: a Hero of the Golden Epoch
“Galateca” Art Gallery
Origo Coffee Shop
Final Acceptance of an Office Building
Mirunette Concept Office
Interior design of a duplex apartment, 6-8, Tudor Vianu Street
Entrance Concept Store
Petrom City
Cerceluș Attic
Bio A(rh)(gr)i(tec)(cul)ture
BCR Flagship Branch, Bucharest
BCR Erste Bank Office Spaces, Romania
Individual residence “The Purple House”
Interior Design of “Pain Plaisir” Bakery & Patisserie
Apartment 55sqm
Design of Expo NUKA Stand
Artrattoria Restaurant
Design of an Office Building - 14, Turda Street, Sibiu
Interior design of a house with office
Interior design - “Dentalmed” Dental Clinic
“Zetta” Esthetic Surgery Clinic
Interior design of Opera Center Lobby
F 64 Coffee Shop
Interior design of Crazy Restaurant and Coffee Shop, Constanța
Interior design of T-Shirt Club, Constanța
Stage design for “Three Tall Women”
„Bucate în tihnă” Store
Absolut Party Bar