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Heritage landscape regeneration of the Peleș Domain
  • Holcim Distinction

Heritage landscape regeneration of the Peleș Domain

Authors: conf. peis. Elisabeta Dobrescu, prof. ing. Mihaela Georgescu, lect. arh. Sidonia Teodorescu, peis. Raluca Mihai, peis. Ana Maria Popescu
Firm: Instituția coordonatoare: Universitatea de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară București, Facultatea de Horticultură, în parteneriat cu Asociația pentru Patrimoniul Regal Peleș

Coordonator de proiect: conf. peis. Elisabeta Dobrescu

Consultanti științifici: prof. ing. Florin Stănică, prof. ing. Adrian Asănică, prof. ing. Mihaela Georgescu, prof. ing. Ana Felicia Iliescu, conf. ing. Adrian Peticilă, conf. ing. Sorina Petra, conf. ist. de artă Ruxandra Dreptu, muzeograf Mihai Georgescu

Parteneri: Asociația pentru Patrimoniul Regal Peleș, Director Executiv Ion Tucă

Coordonatori ateliere practice: conf. peis. Elisabeta Dobrescu, prof. ing. Mihaela Georgescu, prof. ing. Ana Felicia Iliescu, conf. ing. Adrian Peticilă, conf. ing. Sorina Petra, lect. arh. Sidonia Teodorescu, lect. ing. Claudia Fabian, conf. arh. Violeta Răducan, conf. arh. Anca Stănescu, lect. ing. Cosmin Mihai, ing. hort. Dan Potor, prof. ing. silvic Iovu Biriș, conf. ist. de artă Ruxandra Dreptu

Participanți: 10 generații de studenți, masteranzi și doctoranzi ai Universității de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară București, Facultatea de Horticultură, Departamentul de Peisagistică, Biodiversitate și Horticultură ornamentală și Departamentul de Bioingineria Sistemelor Hortiviticole

Client: Universitatea de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară București (USAMVB), Asociația pentru Patrimoniul Regal Peleș (APRP)
Photo: Ana Maria Popescu, Sidonia Teodorescu, Mihai Georgescu, Elisabeta Dobrescu, Raluca Mihai, Mihaela Georgescu

Authors’ Comment

Ten years ago, the representatives of the Faculty of Horticulture of USAMVB and of the Association of the Royal House of His Majesty King Michael I, subsequent of the Association for the Royal Heritage of Peleș, concerned about the state of the landscape of the castle, thought of a series of urgent interventions, which the public space crucially needed. As a consequence, began the process of regeneration of the degraded landscape. Many plants were invigorated, some of them being historical specimens, also discovered in archive images: Corylus colurna, Cupressus leylandii, Bouganvillea spectabilis, Cerasus serrulata, Malus niedzwetzkyana, Prunus laurocerasus, Chamaecyparis pisifera etc.
Simultaneously, researches and studies carried out in the archives (from 2014 until now) allowed the elaboration of curricular projects for the regeneration, restoration and landscape functionalization of these public spaces (and semi-public - Peleș Castle terraces) and additionally of the landscapes around Pelisor Castle, Economat Villa, Sipot Villa, Royal Greenhouses and some of the historical trails through the forest of the Royal Estate, up to the former Royal Fox Breeding Domain.
The structure and function of the spaces, the focal points, the perspectives, the depth of the perceived landscape, the important landmarks have taken on new meaning through the innovative way they have been approached. Opening up perspectives to important historical landmarks by lowering the height of hedges or removing them, thinning (raising) the canopy of trees, freeing valuable architecture from the wildness of nature, clearing watercourses and historic trails, clearing alleys and restoring them to their functional dimensions, regenerating valuable trees etc. and keeping these important landmarks in the historic landscape under control have ultimately led to higher visitor flows, healthier, more sustainable, regenerated and resilient landscapes.
Our interventions attract other activities every year, and we are helped by pupils from neighboring towns, residents and pupils of Sinaia (George Enescu Secondary School), volunteers, as well as some visitors, who are happily involved in the effort to restore and maintain the public space at the level of its image and representative function.