The Annual
The Bucharest Architecture Annual
Edition 2015
Temporary Architecture
Nomination for the “Temporary Architecture” section
Enchanting views - exhibition
Authors: arch.
Sorin Nicolae Istudor
, arch.
Kalliopi Dimou
, art historian
Alina Șerban
Collaborators: artist vizual Nicu ILFOVEANU
Firm: SC Skaarchitects SRL
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Singer concept store
arh.Kalliopi Dimou, arh.Sorin Istudor, arh.Ștefan Păvăluță
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EXPO_01_BUC_ARH_SP.PUBLIC. Selection from Mihai Oroveanu image collection
arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Sorin Istudor
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arh. Sorin Istudor, arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Claudia Trufas, arh. Stefan Pavaluta
Edition 2020, Interior Space Architecture / Exhibition and Scenography Design Section
24 de argumente
arh. Sorin Istudor, arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Stefan Pavaluta
Edition 2019, Interior Design / HOtel – REstaurant - CAfé Design Section
Nomination for the “Interior Design / HOtel – REstaurant - CAfé Design” section
arh. Sorin Istudor, arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Claudia Trufaș, arh. Ștefan Păvăluță
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Seeing History
arh. Sorin Istudor, arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Ștefan Păvăluță
Edition 2015, Architecture Books Section
Nomination for the “Architecture Books” section
Enchanting views - the book
arch. Sorin Nicolae Istudor, arch. Kalliopi Dimou, art historian Alina Șerban
Temporary Architecture
Connected Exhibition. Things about future, cities and people
Enchanting views - exhibition
AcUM - The Mobile Urban Accumulator
BULA (AV) Interactive inflatable installation
We trade 4 for 2
Romanian Architects Creators of Cultural Heritage Gallery, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism
Dinner in the Sand, Mamaia
Vision of a Nation
The Art of Urban Practice: district and expertise
A Travelling Martyrion of Brâncoveni Saints
Romanian Commercial Bank Exhibition
Museum of the School of Architecture