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24 de argumente

24 de argumente

Authors: arh. Sorin Istudor, arh. Kalliopi Dimou, arh. Stefan Pavaluta
Firm: skaarchitects

Cercetare și concept expozițional: Alina Șerban
Cercetare și direcție artistică: Ștefania Ferchedău
Identitate vizuală: Andrei Turenici (Daniel & Andrew Design Studio)
Editare imagini: Serioja Bocsok, Ana Negoiță
Suport logistic: Națca Vaszilcsin, Sonia Irimescu
Consultanță comunicare: Felicia Moga, Cecilia Gheorghe
Traduceri: Claudia Lie, Laura Ionică, Mihnea Costiuc

Cu sprijinul: British Council România, Rezidența BRD Scena9
Parteneri logistici: DHL International Romania, Hornbach
Partener de comunicare: DC Communication
Parteneri media: Radio România Cultural, rfi România, Zeppelin
Finanțatori: Program cultural cofinanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național și de Ordinul Arhitecților din România din timbrul arhitecturii

Authors’ Comment

The Richard Demarco Gallery in Edinburgh organized in 1967 the first exhibition dedicated to art in the Eastern European region, materializing the interest of the Scottish art promoter Richard Demarco to establish a dialogue with all European art scenes, including those in the socialist bloc.

“Through the exhibition24 of arguments, the Institute of the Present revisits a period in the history of Romanian visual and performing arts, from the 1960s and 1970s. materials that reconstruct relevant aspects of the presence of Romanian artists in important events in Great Britain. We articulated these discoveries in an exhibition that would give back to the public a link necessary to understand the contemporary artistic phenomenon in Romania ", says Alina Șerban, art historian and curator at the Institute of the Present.

Selected works of art from a period of 10 years are framed in a rigid existing scheme. The physical space does not have an internal route, so the starting point of the entire exhibition is the visual representation of the connecting elements, periods and typologies of art. A contemporary visual reading of history. Two large rooms, connected by a hallway, become a unique space by creating physical connections resulting from the closure of the core of the secondary hall and the change of color of the adjacent walls.
Finally, two rooms without a pre-established hierarchy are engaged in a precise discourse / exhibition route, through an architectural language supported by a neutral chromatic defined on different planes in the depth of the route, well controlled spatial connections, a clearly exposed visual and physical information. and correlated to the scale of existing and new interventions.

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