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Houses with Emotions

Houses with Emotions

Authors: arh. Nicoleta Mistodie

Collaborators: Arh. Ioana Zdralea - grafica interior, Otilia Mistodie - 6 ani- grafica coperta

Authors’ Comment

Noting the contrast of houses in Bucharest and areas in the center of the city where the ruins alternate with the restored houses, I saw a need to teach the public to love and appreciate the old houses, to prefer to consolidate and rehabilitate an old building, to appreciate the value and its history.
This is a children's storybook about houses that have emotions, with sketches of funny houses with black and white graphics that children can bring to life with colore, The purpose is to educate the children and the adults about the fact that these houses suffer, because only the people can love and bring them back to life.
The book was received with great enthusiasm and interest by children, parents, teachers.