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IMUAU Summer School. Schönberg 2022

IMUAU Summer School. Schönberg 2022

Authors: arh. Cristina Constantin

Coordonator de proiect: dr. Claudia Popescu, CED UAUIM
Responsabil administrativ: Alina Șamu, CSAV UAUIM
Consilier științific: asist. dr. arh. Ioana Zacharias Vultur, CSAV UAUIM
Coordonatori ateliere practice: conf. dr. arh. Liviu Gligor, CRA UAUIM Sibiu; Sebastian Bethge, dulgher restaurator; Zaharia Păcală, meșter fierar
Coordonator expo & identitate vizuală: șef. lucr. dr. arh. Cristina Constantin, UAUIM Sibiu
Consultant: șef lucr. dr. arh. Cosmin Pavel, CRA UAUIM Sibiu
Antropolog: Cătălina Tesăr, videoproiecție și investigarea comunității romilor cortorari
Photo: drd. Valentin Popescu, UAUIM

Authors’ Comment

Between July 28 and August 10, we invited important specialists from the field of architecture, restoration, anthropology, history of art and crafts to contextualize the cultural and architectural heritage of Dealu Frumos, Sibiu county and to experience working with traditional materials and techniques, according to the traditions and needs of the local community.
The experience of the past years has confirmed the need to combine the theoretical study with the practical one, the students together with the trainee architects enjoyed a setting in which they could interact directly with the materials, with traditional techniques and craftsmen, to participate in the organization of a construction site, documenting, designing and experiencing Transylvanian village life.
This approach was particularly appreciated by partners, guests, participants, the local community (Merghindeal City Hall, Evangelical Consistory - Agnita Church). Also, the participation diplomas were recognized for scoring the specialized practice.
By continuing the summer school started in 2019, we aimed to deepen traditional woodworking techniques, explore the modeling possibilities of iron and get closer to the community, by questioning the local specifics. The framework of this summer school also fulfills human needs, reconnecting with nature, rural timelessness, outdoor socialization and the effervescent exchange of ideas between specialists and students.
The summer school brought together in varying proportions: lectures, practical work, field trips, surveying, drawing and design (stable doors, bench joints).
The elements we worked on this year were the gate of the Casa Verde Household, doors/shutters for the stables and the bench in the yard in two workshops: carpentry and blacksmithing. Lectures and study trips to Alma Vii, Biertan and Richiș, as well as to Merghindeal, Ilimbav (the blacksmith workshop, the traveling wooden Church), Hosman (ride with Mocănița to Cornățel) completed the proposed activities.
In the carpentry workshop, the restoration of the Casa Verde Household gate was carried out, with measurements and the preparation of the wooden parts for the stable doors and bench. Handcrafted nails, hinges for stable doors and other metal elements were made in the blacksmith shop.
The summer school was dedicated to the two series of students/interns from all over the country and abroad and to external participants in lectures or study trips from within and outside the local community.
The summer school at Dealu Frumos encouraged cooperation between the architecture university environment, specialized organizations and special guests: Sebastian Bethge, Zaharia Păcală (blacksmith), Cătălina Tesăr (anthropologist), architect Heidrun König (Casa Teutsch), Iozefina Postăvaru (art historian at the National Heritage Institute), Daniel Tellman (professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Timișoara), architect Jan Hülsemann (specialist in traditional Transylvanian architecture working for its preservation within the Mihai Eminescu Trust foundation), Martin Rill (historian ), Simona Iovănescu and Daniel Furtună (graduates of the Faculty of Architecture from Timișoara), Cristina Constantin and Cosmin Pavel (AbruptArchitectura).
The lectures were organized during the school term at the Fortified Evangelical Church in Dealu Frumos, from 18:30 on Fridays, Saturdays, Mondays and Tuesdays and were open to external specialists and community members.