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The 2024 Annual » Edition 2007 » Houses that Cry


Romanian Architectural Patrimony – between degrading and rescue

May 28, 2007, Dalles Hall

"HOUSES THAT CRY" is an ample project born from the simple need “of doing something” for the Romanian architectural patrimony. The project will be launched during the fifth edition of the Architecture Annual held in May 17-30 at the Dalles Hall. It focuses on the old, degraded architecture from Bucharest and Romania that holds special historical and architectural value.

The project aims to bring to attention the issues related tot his type of architecture, suggesting viable solutions and to inform those not directly involved in the field on the importance of this problem and the possible solutions to it.

Symbol of the present, the viewer is faced with the once luminous architectural past now suffocated by out daily worries. Conceived as an initiatory itinerary, the exhibition ends with a video projection that synthesizes our attitudes towards the city and constitutes an open question to the future.

The exhibition "Houses that Cry" intends to become an abstract interpretation of the present situation of today’s Bucharest.

The Architecture Annual will also host a conference entitled TIME PASES… BUT DO HOUSES REMAIN?

On this occasion, the organizer will bring at the discussion table personalities from various fields in order to find common points in solving a problem concerning us all, that of the BUILT PATRIMONY.

Once Romanian entered the European Union, projects envisaging the transformation of Bucharest’s outlook became more and more significant. People build and demolish with a dizzying speed. The problem is that in a city with such a history as Bucharest, one cannot just built. “New and nice objects” can be placed besides patrimony buildings, but according to a just and correct architectural gesture.

Through its agenda, the Architecture Annual sets to impose some cultural milestones and the direction to save the authentic architectural values of Bucharest.