In the autumn of 2006, Igloo started a series of photography articles dealing with a still terrible and little known post-communist reality: the ruined industrial sites.
Naturally, from the beginning their point of view was aesthetic, the photographer finding intense images, even beautiful in this sense devoid of actual meaning.
Fascinated, without morbid connotations, by the evocative power of the images, the authors then decides to turn these articles into a book. The resulting album brings together several such sites, testifying with much more force than articles in a periodical ever could, on the terrible drama represented by des-industrialization in Romania.
The authors have thus discovered the incredible dimension of this residue of the multilateral society. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of hectares are irrecoverable due to various types of pollution, tens, maybe hundreds of towns fell into ruin after the abandonment of the industrial plant around which they evolved, and tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people were condemned to poverty, misery, and despair. Confronted in situ with this terrible aspect of transition, the authors believed it was first of all indecent not to speak of such things.
Cuprinsi de frenezia unui prezent dificil si de grijile unui viitor incert, suntem tentati sa ignoram prea usor de ce ne aflam, unde ne aflam si de ce suntem cine suntem. Excesul de morbid cotidian, minor sau prea general, ne confisca resursele de compasiune pentru cadavrele pe langa care trecem, de cercetare - si eventual acuza - a crimelor trecutului nostru apropiat. Ori nu cred ca se poate construi ceva serios pe amnezie si ignoranta, pe tacere si complicitate.