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Water as hazard and water as heritage

Water as hazard and water as heritage

Authors: arh. Maria Bostenaru Dan, arh. Alex Dill, specialist relatii europene, fotograf Roxana Mihaly, peisagist, economist Maria Beatrice Andreucci, ing. geol. Mirela Adriana Anghelache, ing. geofizician Horia Mitrofan, ing. geofizician Florina Chitea, fizician Nicoleta Cadicheanu, geogr. Gruia Bădescu, ist. arta, designer mobilier Ciprian Buzilă, arh. Daniela Calciu, arh. Oana Diaconescu, arheolog Anca Cezarina Fulger, arh. Mark Kelly, arh. Marina Mihaila, arh. Cristian Banica, meteorolog Mario Montopoli, urb. Beniamino Murgante, agronom Michele Nori, istoric Patricia Osmond, ist. arta Eva Pietroni, urb. Roxana Maria Triboi

Authors’ Comment

Water as hazard and water as heritage“ was an international workshop which took place in the framework of the Spazi Aperti (Open spaces) event at the Accademia di Romania in Rome, an event engaging international fellows in the capital of Italy. The workshop was a winner in the selection of the European Geosciences Union co-sponsored meetings competition and as such participation was also multidisciplinary, from geosciences to archaeology, art history, urban planning and (landscape) architecture.