Authors’ Comment
Upon Queen Mary’s request, the Tea House was transformed from a barn into a space dedicated to garden parties. For that, she chose the Czech architect Karel Liman, who carried out the work between 1920 to 1929. The Queen had a major contribution, as she insisted upon the rustic style of the intervention. The current restoration of the Tea House had a practical aspect as well, the purpose being to turn it into an economically viable asset. Turning it into a restaurant seemed a natural choice, but entailed the difficulty of adding the new kitchen, adjacent to the landmark building. The decision was therefore taken to place the new wing in the rear area facing the hill, and thus adjoin –both horizontally and vertically- the new wing with the old structure. The new wing is partially buried, so that it may not be perceived other than as a background for the landmark building and thus leave the landscape unaltered.
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