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Conversion in the context. The regeneration of industrial spaces

Author: arch. Andrei Eugen Lakatoș – Autor
Collaborators: Postfață: Costin Popescu
Redactor: Elena Tărcuță
Coordonator: Ionuț Butu
Grafică și design: Faber Studio

Authors’ Comment

The volume “Conversion in the Context. The regeneration of industrial spaces” opens a new collection of the Arhitext Foundation Publishing House, entitled ”Studies and Research“, dedicated to highlighting and disseminating quality works of young researchers, which deepens relevant topics for contemporary architectural culture.
The volume is representative for the contributions brought to the field of functional conversion of industrial spaces, and it brings together theoretical and fundamental concepts of this field, concepts that could form the basis of any intervention project on industrial buildings.
The book proposes an analysis of the qualities of the industrial spaces and their potential for transformation, with the aim of highlighting the foundations for preservation, conversion and (re)exploitation of this type of (abandoned) patrimony. The interest of the work aim at that part of the contemporary architecture that deals with the regeneration and functional conversion of the industrial sites, in order to reintegrate them into the social, economic and cultural circuit of the city and concerns the rehabilitation and recycling of the existing built-up fund as an engine/tool for urban regeneration, highlighting the impact of functional conversions on the social and cultural life of the city.

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