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Attunement. Architectural Meaning after the Crisis of Modern Science

Authors: arch. Arpad Zachi – editor, arch. Alberto Perez-Gomez, Aura Pandele – traducător / Fundația Arhitext design
Collaborators: Prefață: Ștefan Vianu
Corectură: Melina Haureș
Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Produs de: Exclus Prod

Authors’ Comment

The book "Attunement- Architectural Meaning after the Crisis of Modern Science" is the translation of the most recent writing by the renowned theorist Alberto Pérez-Gómez. The volume is included in the „Sensible Space” Series, consistently completing the Romanian edition of Juhani Pallasma's "The Eyes of the Skin".
Our physical places are of utmost importance for our well-being. Drawing on recent work in embodied cognition, Pérez-Gómez argues that the environment, including the built environment, matters not only as a material ecology but because it is nothing less than a constituent part of our consciousness. To be fully self-aware, we need an external environment replete with meanings and emotions.
Alberto Pérez-Gómez views architecture through the lens of mood and atmosphere, linking these ideas to the key German concept of Stimmung—attunement—and its roots in Pythagorean harmony and Vitruvian temperance or proportion. He considers the primacy of place over space; the linguistic aspect of architecture—the voices of architecture and the voice of the architect; architecture as a multisensory (not pictorial) experience, with Piranesi, Ledoux, and Hejduk as examples of metaphorical modeling; and how Stimmung might be put to work today to realize the contemporary possibilities of attunement.

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