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Restoration, rehabilitation, refunctionalization for the C3 building in Museikon

Restoration, rehabilitation, refunctionalization for the C3 building in Museikon

Authors: prof. dr. arh. Virgiliu Polizu, arh. Ruxandra Capatana, arh. Mircea Capatana
Polarh Design

Structură: ing. Iulian Neagu; ing. Florin Andronache
Instalații: ing. Ioan Roșiu
Executant: SC Instalatorul SA

Beneficiar: Consiliul Județean Alba

Authors’ Comment

In the fortress of Alba Iulia the building of the first military hospital was restored and so the first sacred art museum in Romania was born. The proiect was promoted by the Alba County Council and funded through the Cultural Heritage Programme of the SEE grants. The value of the building and the exibition was increased during the restoration work by the discovery of the Roman castrum wall embedded in the existing construction and of the sewer roman system kept in a very good condition in the basement of the medieval building.

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