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The Painting Gallery of Căldărușani Monastery, Ilfov County

The Painting Gallery of Căldărușani Monastery, Ilfov County

Authors: dr. arh. Ruxandra Nemțeanu

Collaborators: Arhitectură - arh. Cristina Miclea, arh. Diana Doican, arh. Irina Nemțeanu/ Structură - ing. Laurențiu Spoială, ing. Șerban Median/ Antreprenor general - Aedificia Carpați - ing. Petre Badea, ing. Tania Preda și echipa Arcada/ Diriginți șantier - ing. Simona Tacu, ing. Dănuț Trandafir

Beneficiar: Beneficiar de investiție: Institutul Național al Patrimoniului, Beneficiar de folosință: Mânăstirea Căldărușani

Authors’ Comment

Căldăruşani Monastery was built by Matei Basarab on a peninsula in the Căldăruşani Lake, later becoming the place of exile for Ghenadie Petrescu, former Metropolitan of Ungrovlahia, impeached for confessional disputes in 1895. He remained abbot of Căldăruşani monastery, where he set up his dwelling in a building developed over an 18th-century cellar. In 1911 Le Corbusier visits during his Balcan trip the former Metropolitan Genadie Petrescu at the monastery. The architect will impressively draw the plan of Ghenadie Peterescu's monastic house, which sheltered a whole collection of portraits showing high prelates. The building becomes later on a historical monument, where the pinacoteque of the monastery is organized, and finally restored between 2003-2018.

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