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FIGS Gourmet store design

FIGS Gourmet store design

Authors: arh. Adela Antoniu, arh. Șerban Antoniu, arh. Miruna Albuică
Firm: Arhilab S.R.L.

Identity, Illustration: Studio Formidabil
Mobilier custom: Atvangarde
Photo: Andrei Mărgulescu
Photo: Andrei Mărgulescu

Authors’ Comment

FIGS Gourmet store design

Through FIGS the clients wanted to bring to Bucharest the relaxing feeling of Mediterranean holidays and all the tasty food that comes with it, just like the saying: “Eat spaghetti to forgetti your regretti!”

The solar chromatic ambiance, deliberately flooded with colour, evokes the summer holiday atmosphere. From yellow to green and the subtle pinkish pulp inside the fig, these tones aim to create a feeling of comfort and a relaxed connection with nature.

The arches recall the tradition of the Mediterranean regions, known for their power to create openness and fluidity between spaces. Beyond the structural functionality, the arches played an important role in filtering the light, thus fostering a welcoming atmosphere, that we aimed to recreate here.

Functionally the arches help display and organize the merchandise efficiently and effortlessly. The center of the space features colour accents, such as the wall with rounded edges finished with yellow ceramic tiles and the furniture with green MDF doors. The vivid colors link the two major areas: the coffee bar at the front and the charcuterie counter at the back of the space.

The rough finishing of the walls, along with the countertops and the wooden wireframe ceiling (sourced locally) balances the neat ceramic and MDF finishes. The graphic illustrations that present the products in a few strokes reinforce the relaxed approach of the design.

An Amuse Coeur design for Amuse Bouche products!