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Remebering Landscape / Landschaft, Die Sich Erinnert

Remebering Landscape / Landschaft, Die Sich Erinnert

Authors: arh. Irina Nemțeanu

Collaborators: Curatori - Sandra Demetrescu, Eva Schmidt, Kai Vöckler/ Artiști - Bogdan Bordeianu, Lucian Bran, Marianna Christofides, Chloe Dewe Mathews, Lukas Einsele, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefán, Cyprien Gaillard, Dani Ghercă, Anne Heinlein & Göran Gnaudschun, Nicu Ilfoveanu, Markus Karstieß, Thomas Kellner, Jan Kempenaers, Aglaia Konrad, Susanne Kriemann, Armin Linke, Ciprian Mureșan, Andreas Mühe, Multiplicity, Alexandra Navratil, Cristian Rusu, Larisa Sitar, Milica Tomić & Sans Souci Collective, Unknown Fields Division, Danny Veys, Paul Virilio, Kristof Vrancken

Beneficiar: Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană

Authors’ Comment

Landscape is an entity in flux, to be viewed in a cultural perspective, as pictorial and internal architecture of form, and to be understood as a situation in which political and economic histories have left traces behind. Then, the question raised by the exhibition is not “why we require an image of landscape at all?”, but rather “which image of which landscape do we need?”, and “what contribution to it can be made by artistic projects?” When thinking about landscape we tend to conceive of supposedly escapist, dreamy self-forgetfulness, apparently anachronistic notions of home and fatherland, or at the opposite end of the spectrum, to the tourist clichés. But how could a contemporary image of landscape be composed, acknowledging change, thematizing destruction, and simultaneously being capable of asking questions about the preconditions to a positioning? These basic problems represented the start of the project Remembering Landscape, which shifts the focus towards aesthetic pictorial strategies and links them to aspects of the work of remembering and mourning, through the work of 27 artists and artist groups.

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