Authors’ Comment
Present in the world he lives in, observer of things and aspects which happen around him, Ștefan Câlția understands the power of communication, and the objects he chooses to posess is a proof of an active intervention. The architect's role in the exhibition is that of mediating a relationship between the objects and works of art exhibited, and also with the space provided at The Art Collections Museum (The National Museum of Art of Romania). The stake of the project was the proposal of a network of display structures which could create a visual link between the museum space - a building that conveys a pregnant atmosphere of the end of the 19th century - and the curatorial narrative thread in which a series of personal objects of artist Ştefan Câlţia build a dialogue with his works. Being a temporary exhibition and a heritage building, the interventions made in the museum's halls were meant to be non-intrusive and reversible, so that the "envelope" of the existing exhibition space would suffer as few changes as possible. The exhibition architecture project involves a series of simple, linear, space-matching structures. The entire network of structures had to become as invisible as possible and take on its honest role – display, a framework.
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