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Interior design for Siemens offices

Interior design for Siemens offices

Authors: arh. Ștefan Alberto Bianco, arh. Catalina Nechifor, arh. Tania Piceava, arh. Cristina Paraschiv
Firm: Prographic Architecture Studio

Builder: Project1
Client: Siemens Energy SRL
Photo: Bogdan Buda

Authors’ Comment

Siemens project was divided into three phases, each with a bidding process. Prographic managed both the concept and design components, as well as technical design preparation, execution details, site supervision and plan stability. Additionally, he worked with the fire inspector to document fire safety.

The area of ​​the space and the generous conformation of the floors required a strategic approach in terms of functionality and organization of the space to respect the corporate values ​​and local fire safety and public health regulations.

The organizational structure and visual identity of the companies have been effectively integrated into the design of the new headquarters. The very strict color scheme, which was applied to the space in the planned operation, was an important part of the design. These colors create a dynamic atmosphere and highlight the company's personality, from vibrant shades of purple, yellow and blue to elegant shades of gray and black. Vibrant colors have a strong visual effect, thus the identity of the space was provided by combining them in a creative way.