Authors’ Comment
The purpose of this project is to create a space destined for the society (the collectivity) which answers 2 major current social issues, that of unprivileged young adults leaving the institutionalised system and that of the perpetual ageing of the general population. This is a space in which individuals can find their identity , regain their confidence and strive personal development. This project aims to settle the social issues of the unadjusted young and of the elderly, by bringing these two together in a joint space, and by taking into account that the solution might lie in the interdependence of these two social categories.
The location of the center is the constructive principle of the perception of space, the connection between location, community and space. The peculiarity of the space regarding the social center can be seen through the analogy of the medical term of tissue displacement. In this case, the displacement regardes the people as a human presence there, where the place is empty, followed by the repopulation of the place with “different” people. Regarded as an enclave in the urban organism, the site, through it’s intrinsic status, offers a context in which social relationships may unfold and develop in an unwinded environment.