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The conversion and extension of the Kretzulescu Ensemble from Campulung Muscel

The conversion and extension of the Kretzulescu Ensemble from Campulung Muscel

Authors: Alexandra Pestrițu

Tutor: conf.dr.arh. Magdalena Stănculescu
Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism „Ion Mincu”

Authors’ Comment

The diploma project started from the desire to create a necessary and useful space for all the inhabitants of Câmpulung Muscel, reinterpreting the architecture of forgotten buildings in a contemporary manner and having as its leitmotif the image of the past projected into the future. The concept of the intervention was based on integration, axiality and connectivity, bringing back to life the lost symbol of the area through urban regeneration and the creation of a new cultural and educational core of the city.
Starting from childhood memories, from the place where imagination projects into the future with honest feelings and youthful thoughts, from the city where dreams come true and preserves traditional architecture, the way residents can look to the past and develop into the future is guided by bringing the new and the old face to face, through a revitalization of forgotten historical monuments.
The project proposes to bring back to life the former Kretzulescu Ensemble, initially therapy baths, by converting the historical monument into a museum of the memory of the place and bringing young people there by expanding it with an educational center.

Research through Architecture
Architecture Diplomas
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