Authors’ Comment
The project was a challenge to fulfil the vision of an artist who wanted to harmoniously combine the space of musical inspiration and creation with the living space. For this reason, the central and generating point of the house became the two-story living room with its three essential elements: the piano, the library and the fireplace. All the other spaces articulate and subordinate themselves around it, having as a general rule the orientation and opening of the main spaces to the vegetation yard and the forest, as well as the arrangement of the accesses and secondary areas to the north and the street. The simple and compact volume opens to the courtyard through the general glazing of the southern facade and the interior space is extending outward through the terrace and the swimming pool, both submerged into vegetation, while the other sides of the building remain introverted, dominated by small fillings, thus ensuring, along with the enclosure wall, intimacy towards neighbourhoods.
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