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OG house

Corbeanca, jud. Ilfov, România
Authors: arch. Anamaria Andrițoiu, arch. Ștefan Firimiță / Atelier Arhitectură Firimiță
Collaborators: Structura: Neo Structural Engineering
Fotografii: arh. Adrian Șandor

Authors’ Comment

OG single-family house is located right by the lake in the residential area Green Paradise. Creating this house we wanted to maximize the spatial and visual openness to the water and to reduce visual access from the public space. The trapeze form of the site facilitated the openness towards the water, marked functionally with a double day area: living/dining and a greenhouse that can be opened on two sides.
During the different stages of the project, the house changed and evolved; certain elements were discovered after better understanding the client’s needs and the site configuration. One of these elements are the stairs connecting the greenhouse with the yard and lake. We had to attenuate the difference between the yard and the interior of the house and so we created this staircase with a special configuration, with steps that gradually disappear in the terrain slope and on the lake façade.

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