Authors’ Comment
The project proposes the reinvention of the village of Poiana Mărului, whose local collective memory translates into a cultural heritage accumulated as a result of the artistic activity carried out until 2005, as a result of the repeated visits that visual artists made to the area.
However, the "village of artists" has not found a way to highlight this heritage, finding a solution is a current necessity, as well as capitalizing on and continuing the activity of the "Poiana Mărului Painting School", which had as protagonists Horia Bernea, Teodor Rusu, Teodor Moraru, Șerban Epure, Ion Dumitriu, Mircea Milcovici, Letitia Bucur.
The hills of Poiana Mărului meant for artists a place of refuge, a place of recreation, inspiration and peace, where they quickly adapted to the chores of the peasants. The artists aimed to create a pure plastic language, devoid of any ideological baggage. The period spent at Poiana Mărului decisively shaped the subsequent progress of the protagonists, which was not limited to artistic creativity, but also included an existential experience.
The proposed site is on the Borî-Bărdaș hill, being the area they appreciated and considered worthy of remaining framed. Located in the "old village" above the hearth of the village, where the houses do not have a core, but are scattered each on a hill, letting nature surround them.
The traditional house existing on the site is the one from which the idea of the location of the proposal originates. An old and modest peasant house, where Horia Bernea always stayed when he came to Poiana Mărului and which looks towards the hill studied and drawn by him.
The main volume is the Painting School, which has spaces such as: conference rooms, painting rooms, temporary exhibition and accommodation. Besides this, the following proposals will have ancillary functions that will help the functioning of the ensemble: the memorial house and the restaurant - open to the public and the artists' house, dedicated to painters.