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City and Community - Youth Community Center on Dacia Boulevard, Bucharest

City and Community - Youth Community Center on Dacia Boulevard, Bucharest

Authors: Theodora-Ioana Popa

Tutor: prof.dr.arh. Niculae Grama, șef lucr.dr.arh. Corina Iliescu
Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu”, Facultatea de Arhitectură
Photo: -randari-

Authors’ Comment

Architecture plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of an active community spirit, as recently exemplified by the restoration of a historic building in the Amzei Square neighborhood, which revitalized the community and urban life. My work is part of a broader research effort exploring the phenomenon of community belonging, closely tied to the attachment to a specific place. This need led to my diploma project, which proposes a community center for youth in the Dacia-Eminescu neighborhood, where I discovered a lack of a unifying element to bring the community together.

Belonging to a well-knit neighborhood now made me realize that those residents feel the absence of dedicated spaces necessary for improving the quality of living. Therefore, I chose this location to revitalize the neighborhood by creating new cultural and social centers that would enliven the urban landscape of Bucharest.

In the context of the city's historic center, the restoration of buildings and the use of architecture can recover the desire for community and the sense of belonging. Changes in recent decades, driven by history and evolution, have led to the loss of identity and the significance of living in real communities. Architecture thus becomes a vital tool for the rebirth of local identity and the revitalization of public spaces.

The city was shaped by strong communities that created urban identity. Abandoning the values of these communities negatively impacts the quality of living and, by extension, life itself. The restoration of The Mița Biciclista's House in the Amzei neighborhood demonstrates how built heritage and architecture can regenerate the desire for community and belonging. Community centers are needed to educate and bring residents back into public spaces, contributing to the preservation and rescue of built heritage and local identity.

My diploma project proposes a community center for youth on Bulevardul Dacia, at the corner with Strada Toamnei, as a magnet for all age groups. The building's volume is inspired by local typology, respecting the area's identity and architectural significance. The aim is to create an urban object perfectly integrated into the context, yet generating interest through its novelty, becoming a gathering place for the community. In this way, young people will become more aware of the urban environment in which they live, and high-quality public space will bring about positive changes.

The center's functions include spaces for workshops, a multifunctional hall, a library and reading room, commercial spaces, and rental offices, as well as generous outdoor areas. The most special space in the center is the courtyard, bordered by a portico, which references the identity of the place and past architecture. The project fits into the context in a less intrusive way, enhancing the quality of the space through smooth transitions from interior to exterior. Thus, it creates an accessible space for the entire community, educating the younger generation through quality architecture and space.

Research through Architecture
Architecture Diplomas
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