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Digital Fabrication Laboratories. Adaptive reuse of the “Ciocanul” Trade School, Bucharest

Digital Fabrication Laboratories. Adaptive reuse of the “Ciocanul” Trade School, Bucharest

Authors: Mădălina Stănășel

Tutor: prof.dr.habil.arh. Andra Panait
Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu”, Facultatea de Arhitectură

Authors’ Comment

The primary objective of this project is the adaptive reuse of the "Ciocanul" Trade School and its remaking to contemporary requirements, using an approach that respects the place's identity.
The site is located in Bucharest, in a central area, along Calea Dudești, a significant structural axis where traditional and socialist urban fabrics intersect. The constructions on the site emerged at the end of the 19th century, in the middle of an area still involved in viticulture.
Although urban planned developments began late on Calea Dudești, the area has been marked by significant moments in the recent history of Bucharest. The nucleus around which these changes occurred remains centred on the “Ciocanul” Trade School complex, along with its neighbouring Zamfirescu family house—the only buildings constructed between 1846 and 1911 that still exist.
This is the first trade school in Bucharest dedicated to Jewish community students. Historical archive research reveals that the school has undergone various reorganisation processes and operational strategy changes over time. Nevertheless, it has remained an educational institution, evolving under various scenarios, all linked to trades, technology.
The project seeks to balance the unique characteristics of the historical context and contemporary programmatic requirements, navigating the dichotomies of use and form, permanence and temporality.
From the urban context perspective, the project aims to achieve several objectives: 1) exploiting the historical value of the site and preventing the deterioration of the heritage, 2) implementing renewal interventions on Calea Dudesti and transit areas, 3) marking a path that recalls the former stadium demolished in the process of communist boulevard reorganisation, and 4) restoring the green space and extending it.
From the program perspective, the connection with the educational system is undeniably essential. For this to be possible, the project represents a reinterpretation of the trade school adapted to technological evolution. Specifically, the program is Digital Fabrication Laboratories, known also as „FabLabs”.
Regarding the layout of functions, the basement primarily houses technical areas, but more importantly, it includes a collaboration space serving as a link between the existing and proposed building. In the new building oriented to Calea Dudesti, digital fabrication areas with fixed functions are located, while at the opposite end, flexible spaces with multifunctional characters are configured. Marking the perspective from Alba Iulia Square, exhibition spaces are provided for the works created in these laboratories.
The functions in the existing buildings retain their historical character: for the trade school are proposed programming and electronics spaces, the girls' school provides workspaces for wearable technologies, and the kindergarten houses administrative spaces.
The construction of a new facade, an extension of the trade school, emphasises its relationship with the public space.
A parametric facade made from curved aluminium mesh panels, which also reflects the program of digital fabrication laboratories and works as an integrated solar protection element, was used to maintain a neutral and uniform appearance for the new volume.
On a general level, the project represents a place where communities are formed and where collaboration, creative processes, and tangible results are encouraged.

Research through Architecture
Architecture Diplomas
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