Authors’ Comment
A project about robots hidden behind automat¬ed curtains and wheel mounted metal grids, about mechanisms and mobile objects that define the three major spaces of a tire changing shop.
Rectangular steel grids with car tires and grey countertops in the navy blue reception of a shed on the outskirts of Bucharest. Trolleys as (customer ser¬vice) desks and armchairs in the waiting area, sep¬arated by orange curtains from the shop featuring red ramps and robots (for calibrating, removing, and washing tires).
The (dark navy) background of the ground floor spac¬es is offset by the orange accents of the curtains, arm-chairs, and metal grids: a theatre of operations with wheels under the countertops (to move around the desks and the reception trolley) in the public area, and with wheels on top of the automated tables, in the workshop.
Soft closures for hard equipment, orange cur¬tains between the public area and the car shop, a space where the client becomes a spectator in the theatre of operations.
Beyond the velvet curtains, hydraulic ramps are raising cars, and robotic arms are changing tires; mech-anized choreographies with clients’ cars. The waiting area—a theatre hall with orange armchairs—where the clients watch the show enacted by cars and tire han¬dling machinery; a sort of a half closed living room, open towards the “vehicle” parked in the reception.
Orange epoxy paint buttons are marking public access areas onto the stepping plan, highlighting the virtu¬al contour of the living room meant for the public. Or¬ange metal barrels (instead of sinks) are reflected in the navy blue glass which encloses the service area.
On the first floor, grey curtains and fixed glass walls. Mobile closings allowing for the permanent re-configuration of space. The grey curtain overlaps the glazed surface between the car shop and the offices. Another theatre, this time without public access; the theatre of internal operations.
On the top floor’s ceiling, a single splash of colour—one of the sound absorbing panels. On the ground floor’s ceiling, a single splash of colour—a tire rim with a LED band. Acoustics and orange lighting flowing from the ceiling mounted wheel in the thea¬tre of tires.