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Quadra Trees

Quadra Trees

Authors: arh. Răzvan Puchici, arh. Ioana Moangă, arh. Ciprian Drăghicescu, arh. George Dinu, arh. Cristian Voinea, arh. Iulia Pătru, arh. Laura Parghel
Cumulus Architecture

Fotograf: arh. Radu Matei

Beneficiar: Conarg Real Estate

Authors’ Comment

Quadra Trees Residence represents a dwelling typology located in the outskirts of Bucharest, emphasising the quality of living through medium height regime, generous distances between the buildings and a good ratio between private green spaces and number of housing units. The design is concerned with the user's perception within the public spaces as well as visibility from their apartments. The architecture manages to offer open, yet protected perspectives for its inhabitants. The first three units in the north-western side of the plot are finalised.

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