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Wine Tasting Room

Wine Tasting Room

Authors: arh. Alexandra Afrasinei, arh. Cornelia Tuglui, arh. Alexandru Barat

Authors’ Comment

Above the lines
The project, in response to the theme of creating a space for tasting in the middle of hills with vines, tries to extract the qualities and richness of the land to feel and taste the essence of wine, as the “starry child of the earth with your feet of purple or topaz blood” (Pablo Neruda)
The hills with vines are characterized by a linear landscape defined by vertical, repetitive and rhythmic elements, in which the force of the sun and light with different shadow lines, plays an essential role. Besides a strong visual experience, you can feel the smell and taste of the earth, the power of the sun and the horizon that changes during the day.
The transparent tower with a fine metallic structure, with thin vertical elements like a poetic extrusion of the vine, creates different visual perceptions. The vertical spatial promenade offers a surreal experience by the way in which the feeling and perspective are changing as it reveals itself, and the tasting room, a monobloc concrete volume, different in appearance, contrast and orientation, rises above the horizon, closer to the sky and sun.