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Multi-level outdoor parking on Arnsberg street

Multi-level outdoor parking on Arnsberg street

Authors: arh. Ioan-Răzvan Molie
Firm: IMDS

Collaborators: arh. Alexandru Dumitrescu, ing. Andrei Mărculeț

Authors’ Comment

The parking lot in Arnsberg Street, an area with heavy traffic in the city of Alba Iulia, aims at a sustainable concept that aims to make full use of the terrace of the proposed objective. The concept aims to find sustainable densification solutions, which balance the need for parking spaces in the area and the lack of green spaces. Often, buildings whose functions are complementary, are treated with architectural indifference and are rarely integrated into the context. The solution, beyond the use of the roof, the creation of green spaces with low and medium vegetation as well as a playground, also involves a contemporary approach to the facade. It is made of perforated mesh, having as graphic motif the shape of the fortress, an emblem approached in many situations and which tends to become a memorable image. The intervention in the urban context involves the demolition of an existing building that does not correspond to the current rules of operation, a building used for the organization of construction sites of blocks of flats built during the communist period. The solution of using space thus resulting strictly for the construction of a park or just a parking lot involves a much more general thinking, thus concluding that such interventions can populate the spaces between blocks over time and develop a new perspective of space efficiency.

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