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Kaleidoscope Voyage

Kaleidoscope Voyage

Authors: arh. int. Ștefania Bobaru-Chirleșan, arh. Andra Raluca Tăutu, arh. int. Raluca Median
Firm: VIM Studio

mobilier custom: Euphoria Kitchen Studio
compartimanetare sticlă metal: Atelier Cristian Petrescu
finisaje: Color Smart
Photo: arh. Alexandru Prodan

Authors’ Comment

We took over the project during the construction phase of the complex, which allowed us to make adjustments to the electrical system and finishes.

The apartment features a bold color scheme, designed as a backdrop to express the personality of the owner, who is passionate about art, travel, and handmade objects.

The photoshoot took place after she had lived in the space for a few months, and it was a pleasure to see how the apartment had evolved.