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Urban Jungle

Urban Jungle

Authors: arh. Alina Vîlcu, arh. Gabriel Ciobanu, arh. Daliana Răducan, arh. Ilinca Ștefănescu

Beneficiar: Lion Publishing

Authors’ Comment

Our project presents an interior design for a digital industry company. We started with a creative brief from our clients. They guided us to creat a dynamic, playful and colorful space. Their need was to have a very personal space that would complete the organizational culture, a living and cheerful space. The existing space was a commercial ground floor with a free height of 4.7 m, so we integrated an intermediate floor, leaving the high-rise office area, and over the kitchen and bathrooms we have built a multifunctional floor area where there is a meeting room and a lounge. Also, another requirement was to have green areas, and because the brand's personality is represented by a lion, we have defined a creative concept of "urban jungle". We have tried to overlap "urban" with "jungle" elements.

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