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REGINA MARIA Clinic in Brasov

REGINA MARIA Clinic in Brasov

Authors: arh. Letitia Barbuica
head made architecture srl

structura: ing. Liviu Slavnic
instalatii: ProsysGrup
fotografii: Ionuț Chirilă

Beneficiar: Centrul Medical Unirea

Authors’ Comment

How can you change a space that used to be a sweet shop in a medical space? Not easy especially when you discovered that additional structures were un-properly built on wood structures and the challenges of the installations are as difficult as the structural ones. The interior design challenge was to bring light in the waiting areas and we did this with colour, also. We wanted to create a sense of joy and dynamism and, because I perceive Brasov as a city surrounded by greenery, we introduced some elements to reflect these: in the main entrance area, on the staircase an in both reception area. We experiment with using the same material both on the floor and on the walls which makes the space looks larger and brings an interesting focal point in the consultation rooms. We played with colours, zing-zags, recessed sitting areas and green, again. But a different kind of green.

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