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The Bucharest City Loop
  • Romanian Register of Urban Planners Award

The Bucharest City Loop

Authors: Diana Mirela Bănică, Rareș Marian Cristu, Andreea-Diana Drăgnescu, Adriana Maria Popa, Andreea Rusu, Andreea Stănuș

Tutor: prof.dr.arh. Marian Moiceanu, asist.dr.arh. Yahia Dardari

Authors’ Comment

This time, it’s about the heterogeneous urban tissue, the deconstructed areas or the abandoned places nonspecific to the central area but located in the Bucharest’s inner core.
Bucharest City Loop is a complex project that follows the idea of reclaiming the overlaying character of Bucharest as its identity in the aim of urban regeneration.
To accomplish this objective it had been identified six areas with different characters that show some of the different layers of Bucharest such as: cultural, educational, historical, industrial, student center and deconstructed.
Each area had resumed in a complex study that concluded in the idea of linking them and created a route for the loop.
It may be a chaotically organized city but somehow going through all this layers, by generating a loop it can give you a image of continuity.

Research through Architecture
Architecture Diplomas
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