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The revitalization of the Filipescu Park, Cultural Park Filipescu

The revitalization of the Filipescu Park, Cultural Park Filipescu

Authors: Andreea Ciocîrlan

Tutor: lect. dr. arh. Dinescu Adina

Authors’ Comment

For more than 80 years, the Filipescu Park is a private property in the heart of a city lacking green spaces. Currently it is used as a political party’s headquarters, its cultural and architectural value being perceived only from a distance, through the pillars of the stone fence. The Filipescu Park is the central nucleus of the neighbourhood, both being conceived as a unitary urban form. By closing the park from the audience, the neighbourhood has almost lost its spirit.

The revitalisation of the Filipescu Park proposes assigning a different cultural function to each building of the park, not only to remind of the history of the place, through exhibitions of old objects and furniture, but also to support and use new technologies for creating interactive art exhibits and galleries, to encourage innovation in art and architecture, creating harmony between the new and the old.

The concept of the project is to reintegrate the Filipescu Park into the public life of Bucharest, transforming it into a Cultural Park, whose functions attract a wide range of people (eg: a media gallery, a café, a co-working space, interactive exhibitions etc.)

Research through Architecture
Architecture Diplomas
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