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The Green Cat by Elise Wilk

Iasi, jud. Iași, România
Author: arch. Irina Moscu

Authors’ Comment

"The Green Cat" is the first Romanian theater play made by using Silent Disco system. Basically, the space where the action takes place is a club that condenses the shapes, lines and colors of an entire community. This is where the teenagers Dani Bianca Boogie, Robert, Roxana and Flory meet and discover the world. Viewers become participative, as each will be able to choose where to move during the show, will be able to choose what to see and especially what to listen. At the entry into this space, which is very close to the actors, among them, each spectator will receive an audio headset through which they can listen to the stories of the characters.
The director and designer premise was the radical change the classical relation between actors and spectators through the configuration of the game area and the manner in which the story is told, by using the Silent Disco System. There is no fixed seats for the public, so young audience is challenged to go on stage in „Periphery” Club, at a Silent Disco party, where they will take part in the story of six teenagers and the evening that will change their lives.

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