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bucuresti, România
Authors: arch. Ana - Maria Crișan – co-autor, arch. Octavian Neculai
Collaborators: Ioana Turcanu

Authors’ Comment

A complementary project theater play - leading scenography Administration within the film and discusses architectural drawing as background in motion.
A 80-minute film accompanying music composer Adrian Enescu The BACH FILES, and implementing the vision of director Alexandru Darie - an animation film NOIR, with strong influences from Frank Miller and the German expressionists.
In the context of the George Enescu Festival edition 2015 scenography for The Bach took on a peculiar change. Prioritizing the 12 acts and moves, relying on a performance theater backdrop became active support for both the orchestra and the actors transformed into animated backgrounds.
In another aspect of a film that is built by the architect on key drawings, a film that creates a universal world architectural interiors minimal and the city that we find in layers, where we deepen gradually.

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